Monday, June 8, 2009

Do You Know What Is Social Networking?

Now everyone talk about Twitter. The most popular social network on the net for the time being. Let's find out the definitions usage and a few tips from this article.

Social Network is a group of individuals that are linked with each other. Social network is a way to tied you with a group of people or organization. When we talk in terms of Internet, Social Network becomes online Social Network.

As we know that billions of people everyday use internet, online Social Netwok provides a way to connect with people of similar interest. For Example: - There may be online Social Network formed by people who have interest in Music and there may be other online Social Network formed by people who have interest in programming language say Java.

On internet, websites provides online Social Networking. These websites forms a group of internet users with same interest. The popular online Social Network websites are-

  1. Bebo
  2. Facebook
  3. hi5
  5. Linkedin
  6. Mixi
  7. MySpace
  8. Orkut
  9. Twitter
  10. Yahoo 360

There are many other Social Network websites based on locale. A list of popular Social Network websites is here.

Social Networking Usage:

As clear from the definition of Social Network, it's a platform where people on internet can share their common interest. From the business perspective, if a social network website is able to gather millions of users on internet then it can make good money from advertising.
From the user's perspective, Social Networking websites can provide him a common place to showcase his work, skills or just interest. Take an example of popular social network website Facebook where millions of users create their profiles and share it with others.

Social Networking Tips:

1:-> Social Network websites can bring traffic to your personal website or blog.

2:-> Use your blog or website RSS feed in MySpace, Facebook or Twitter to showcase your contents to millions of users.

3:-> Social Network can bring you business contacts. Since these websites are free to join and you can easily find contacts of same niche as yours. This way you can promote your business.

For definitions, usage and tips of Technical and SEO buzzwords, follow the "Daily Technology Tips" website given below.

Daily Technology Tips


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